Troubleshooting A Troublesome Condenser
Keeping your home's interior cool is essential when outdoor temperatures begin to climb. Without access to a functional air conditioning system, it can be impossible to keep your home cool. Your air conditioning system is made up of several vital components that all contribute to the cooling and distribution of air.
The condenser is responsible for releasing heat generated by your air conditioner as it works to cool your home. Without a functioning condenser, you will notice an increase in the temperature of your indoor air. Here are three things that you can do to troubleshoot a malfunctioning condenser in the future.
1. Check for power.
In order for your condenser to work properly, it needs to be connected to a steady supply of electrical power. If you notice the temperature of the air being pushed through your home's vents has increased, you should start troubleshooting your condenser by checking the power supply.
Make sure that your condenser is plugged into the right outlet. It's easy for a condenser to become unplugged by accident, so be sure your condenser is plugged into the appropriate outlet before taking more drastic repair measures.
2. Check the fuse or circuit.
Once you have ensured that your condenser is plugged in properly, you need to make sure that the outlet the condenser is connected to is receiving power. A sudden surge of electricity could cause the fuse or circuit to which your condenser is connected to shut down.
You should look for a blown fuse or a tripped circuit when your condenser isn't working, as resetting the circuit or replacing the blown fuse can be simple ways to restore proper function to your condenser once again.
3. Lower your thermostat.
The thermostat within your home plays a vital role in triggering the function of your air conditioner's condenser. If the temperature setting is changed on the thermostat by accident, the condenser might not kick on as often as it should.
Take the time to check the temperature setting on your thermostat when troubleshooting a faulty condenser. Lower the temperature a few degrees and listen for the condenser to turn on. If it doesn't, then you will need to contact an HVAC professional to examine the blower motor and compressor for damage.
Being able to troubleshoot your condenser will allow you to more effectively keep your air conditioning system working properly to cool your home in the future.